

Open Dejams

Dejams Q&A

What is Dejams?

An AI-assisted movie search that understands

How to use Dejams?

Simply enter keywords or related terms in the search box to find movies that match your interests.

What data sources does Dejams use?

Dejams uses data from and, combined with its own content.

How can I contact Dejams for feedback or suggestions?

You can reach out to us at [email protected]. We value your input and would love to hear from you!

Dejams's Core Features

  • Search for movies by keywords
  • Find movies similar to your favorite movies

    Dejams's Use Cases

  • Find movies you remember but forgot the name
  • Discover movies based on a theme or genre

    Dejams Traffic

    Monthly Visits: < 5K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:00:00
    Page per Visit: 0.00
    Bounce Rate: 0.00%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 2 Regions Lithuania: 65.63%
    Singapore: 34.37%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
    Traffic Sources
    Referrals: 100.00%
    Mail: 0.00%
    Direct: 0.00%
    Search: 0.00%
    Social: 0.00%
    Display Ads: 0.00%

    Dejams Categories: AI Video Search