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Duomly Q&A

What is Duomly?

Unlock growth with Duomly Mobile App: Micro-learning made interactive! Our micro-courses designed for busy lifestyles cover AI, ChatGPT, IT, professional development, entrepreneurship, management, sales, and marketing.

How to use Duomly?

Upgrade your skills with bite-sized lessons in career growth, management, sales, marketing, IT & AI, and personal growth. Transform your learning with Duomly!

What topics do the courses cover?

Our courses cover a wide range of topics including AI, ChatGPT, IT, professional development, entrepreneurship, management, sales, and marketing.

Duomly's Core Features

  • Interactive courses
  • Microlearning
  • Fun Assessments
  • Real-World Cases
  • Quizzes

    Duomly's Use Cases

  • Professional Career
  • Personal Development
  • Entrepreneurship & Management
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • IT & AI

    Duomly Traffic

    Monthly Visits: 50.5K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:00:47
    Page per Visit: 0.29
    Bounce Rate: 93.88%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 5 Regions Andorra: 5.83%
    Colombia: 3.12%
    Byelorussian SSR: 3.07%
    Russia: 2.45%
    India: 2.32%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
    Traffic Sources
    Search: 53.70%
    Direct: 30.51%
    Referrals: 11.18%
    Social: 4.61%
    Mail: 0.00%
    Display Ads: 0.00%

    Duomly Categories: AI Course