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KeywordSearch Q&A

What is KeywordSearch?

Use AI to Build Ad Audiences & Research Keywords for Google & YouTube Ads

How to use KeywordSearch?

Start for Free Today. Supercharge your Google and YouTube ad audiences with AI. Discover the best keywords to grow your YouTube channel and ads. Uncover limitless potential in your keyword sets. Spy on competitor's YouTube ads. Sync AI audiences to Google Ads in one click. Empower content creation & channel growth with AI-driven recommendations. Stay informed about industry trends. Boost conversions and ROI with advanced audience targeting. Sign up for the newsletter to get the latest updates and resources.

What is KeywordSearch?

KeywordSearch is an AI-powered tool that helps users build ad audiences and research keywords for Google and YouTube ads. It offers features such as AI audience building, keyword research, YouTube ad spying, and more.

How does KeywordSearch work?

KeywordSearch uses AI algorithms to analyze businesses, audience data, and keyword sets to create relevant and high-performing ad audiences. It also provides recommendations for video ideas, titles, tags, and optimized descriptions for YouTube content creators.

Can I sync my AI audiences to Google Ads?

Yes, with KeywordSearch, you can effortlessly sync your AI audiences to Google Ads in just one click. This saves you time and allows for seamless integration with your ad campaigns.

Does KeywordSearch provide competitor ad insights?

Yes, KeywordSearch offers a YouTube ad spy feature that grants access to a vast database of YouTube ads along with crucial statistics, metadata, and targeting insights. This helps users stay informed about industry trends and optimize their own ad strategies.

What are the benefits of using KeywordSearch for content creators?

KeywordSearch empowers content creators by providing AI-driven recommendations to optimize their YouTube channels. This includes suggestions for new video ideas, titles, tags, and optimized descriptions, ultimately helping creators boost discoverability and achieve their engagement and growth goals.

KeywordSearch's Core Features

  • AI Audience Builder
  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Topic Auto Expansion
  • YouTube Ad Spy

    KeywordSearch's Use Cases

  • For Marketers
  • For Businesses
  • For Content Creators

    KeywordSearch Traffic

    Monthly Visits: 39.5K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:02:49
    Page per Visit: 1.17
    Bounce Rate: 51.64%
    Sep 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 5 Regions United States: 22.72%
    Germany: 3.14%
    United Kingdom: 3.06%
    Brazil: 2.72%
    Zimbabwe: 2.12%
    Sep 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
    Traffic Sources
    Direct: 41.43%
    Search: 28.89%
    Referrals: 21.63%
    Social: 7.06%
    Display Ads: 0.97%
    Mail: 0.03%

    KeywordSearch Categories: AI Ad Creative Assistant