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Memrise Q&A

What is Memrise?

Learn a language

How to use Memrise?

Immerse yourself in lessons that feature videos of native speakers and practice speaking with AI tutor

What languages are available?

Memrise offers courses for 23 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Korean, and more.

Can I practice speaking with native speakers?

Yes, you can practice speaking with MemBot, our AI language tutor, to build up confidence before speaking with real natives.

Are there any free features?

Memrise offers a free plan with official courses, video clips of phrases used in real life, gamified tests, and personalised review plans based on memory techniques.

Memrise's Core Features

  • Videos of native speakers
  • Personalised AI language tutor
  • Relevant words and phrases

    Memrise's Use Cases

  • Learning practical vocab
  • Understanding native speakers' accents
  • Speaking confidently

    Memrise Traffic

    Monthly Visits: < 5K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:00:00
    Page per Visit: 1.06
    Bounce Rate: 0.00%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 2 Regions Sweden: 57.47%
    Brazil: 42.53%

    Memrise Categories: Translate