Podfy AI

Podfy AI

Open Podfy AI

Podfy AI Q&A

What is Podfy AI?

Enhance Your Podcasting Journey: Simplify Transcriptions, Shownotes, Timestamps, Newsletters, and More with a Single Click AI Powered

How to use Podfy AI?

Select an episode from your RSS feed, YouTube Channel or upload an audio file. Simply paste your RSS feed or YouTube URL to choose an episode from the list or upload an mp3/wav file. Your content is ready.

What languages are supported for transcriptions?

We support more than 30 languages around the world.

Can I customize the tone of the generated content?

Yes, you can ask the AI to create content with a specific tone or style.

Can I edit and fine-tune the generated content?

Yes, you can directly edit and fine-tune each content to your liking with AI.

Podfy AI's Core Features

  • Transcriptions
  • Shownotes
  • Timestamps

    Podfy AI's Use Cases

  • Generate transcripts of podcast episodes
  • Create show notes for each episode
  • Add timestamps to episode descriptions

    Podfy AI Traffic

    Monthly Visits: < 5K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:00:00
    Page per Visit: 0.00
    Bounce Rate: 0.00%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 5 Regions Brazil: 52.25%
    Austria: 18.89%
    South Africa: 17.27%
    France: 7.88%
    Hong Kong: 3.70%
    Dec 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
    Traffic Sources
    Direct: 61.13%
    Social: 38.87%
    Mail: 0.00%
    Search: 0.00%
    Referrals: 0.00%
    Display Ads: 0.00%

    Podfy AI Categories: AI Podcast Assistant