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Podmob Q&A

What is Podmob?

Personalized insights from any podcast direct to your inbox

How to use Podmob?

Choose a list of podcasts and get emailed in-depth, AI generated insights from every new episode so you’re always up to speed. Chose your recap length and style, view or listen to the source of any insight direct from the episode, listen to all your recaps in any podcast player, chat and ask question with any podcast episode, and whole lot more. Don’t have time to listen to all the podcasts you want? No longer. Never miss an episode and learn faster than ever before with Podmob.com.

What is Podmob?

Podmob is a platform that provides personalized insights from any podcast, delivered directly to your inbox.

How does Podmob work?

You choose a list of podcasts, and Podmob uses AI to generate in-depth insights from every new episode. These insights are then emailed to you, keeping you up to speed with the latest episodes.

Can I listen to the podcasts within Podmob?

Yes, you can view or listen to the source of any insight directly from the episode within Podmob. Additionally, you can listen to all your recaps in any podcast player of your choice.

Can I interact with the podcasts?

Absolutely. You can chat and ask questions with any podcast episode, allowing for a more interactive and engaging experience.

I don't have time to listen to all the podcasts I want. Can Podmob help?

Definitely. Podmob ensures you never miss an episode by sending you personalized insights. This way, you can learn faster and stay updated without having to listen to every episode.

Podmob's Core Features

  • Choose a list of podcasts
  • AI generated insights from every new episode
  • Customizable recap length and style
  • View or listen to the source of any insight
  • Listen to all your recaps on any podcast player
  • Chat and ask questions with any podcast episode

    Podmob Traffic

    Monthly Visits: < 5K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:02:17
    Page per Visit: 2.78
    Bounce Rate: 41.67%
    Oct 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 5 Regions United States: 45.57%
    Germany: 14.44%
    South Africa: 7.83%
    Netherlands: 7.00%
    Mexico: 6.27%
    Oct 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
    Traffic Sources
    Direct: 82.80%
    Referrals: 13.71%
    Search: 3.49%
    Mail: 0.00%
    Social: 0.00%
    Display Ads: 0.00%

    Podmob Categories: Summarizer