Sixty AI

Sixty AI

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Sixty AI Q&A

What is Sixty AI?

We use AI and machine learning to solve one big problem of modern technology: its constant demands for more and more of our attention. Sixty helps you stay in touch with everyone without wasting time on tasks AI can easily handle.

How to use Sixty AI?

Signup for an account on our website. Once logged in, Sixty's AI will highlight what needs your attention and magically manage the rest for you, allowing you to focus on what really matters.

What does Sixty AI do?

Sixty AI uses AI and machine learning to help you stay in touch with everyone without wasting time on tasks that can easily be handled by AI.

How does Sixty AI work?

Sixty AI highlights what needs your attention and manages the rest, allowing you to focus on what really matters.

What are the core features of Sixty AI?

The core features of Sixty AI include clearing inboxes, scheduling, drafting agendas, preparing briefings, summary of past interactions, snapshots of your schedule, focused inbox, instant notifications of schedule changes, never miss birthdays or milestones, and sending thoughtful greetings or gifts.

What are the use cases for Sixty AI?

Sixty AI can be used for managing email overload, improving meeting productivity, effective agenda planning, keeping track of schedules, and staying in touch with contacts.

Sixty AI's Core Features

  • Clearing inboxes
  • Scheduling
  • Drafting agendas
  • Preparing briefings
  • Summary of all past interactions
  • Customizable snapshots of your schedule
  • Focused inbox on what's important
  • Instant notifications of schedule changes
  • Never miss a birthday or milestone
  • Send thoughtful greetings or gifts

    Sixty AI's Use Cases

  • Managing email overload
  • Improving meeting productivity
  • Effective agenda planning
  • Keeping track of schedules
  • Staying in touch with contacts

    Sixty AI Traffic

    Monthly Visits: 7.8K
    Avg.Visit Duration: 00:01:19
    Page per Visit: 0.18
    Bounce Rate: 0.00%
    Jul 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
    Top 5 Regions United States: 14.22%
    Philippines: 10.36%
    Iraq: 9.88%
    India: 9.12%
    Jamaica: 8.47%
    Jul 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
    Traffic Sources
    Direct: 100.00%
    Mail: 0.00%
    Search: 0.00%
    Social: 0.00%
    Referrals: 0.00%
    Display Ads: 0.00%

    Sixty AI Categories: AI Email Assistant