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Validly Q&A

What is Validly?

Validly is an AI-powered user research assistant that conducts user interviews and delivers rich insights. It offers a SaaS solution for effortlessly scaling UX research and gathering continuous customer insights while ensuring data security.

How to use Validly?

To use Validly, simply sign up for an account and gain early access. Once logged in, you can set up and schedule user interviews with the AI research assistant. Validly allows you to conduct hundreds of interviews simultaneously, saving time, effort, and costs associated with manual interviews. The AI agent, trained by veteran researchers, gathers rich insights in the background and delivers them to you unsupervised, 24/7.

What is Validly?

Validly is an AI-powered user research assistant that conducts user interviews and delivers rich insights.

How can I use Validly?

To use Validly, sign up for an account, gain early access, and schedule user interviews with the AI research assistant.

What are the core features of Validly?

The core features of Validly include AI-led user interviews, effortless scalability of UX research, continuous customer insights, and data security.

What are some use cases of Validly?

Some use cases of Validly include UX research and decision-making, gathering rich insights from user interviews, improving product development and user experience, and scaling user research in organizations.

Is my data secure with Validly?

Yes, at Validly, your data is secure and privacy is prioritized with the highest standards of security.

Does Validly offer a free trial?

Yes, Validly offers a free trial for users to try out the AI research assistant.

Validly's Core Features

  • AI-led user interviews
  • Effortless scalability of UX research
  • Continuous customer insights
  • Data security and privacy

    Validly's Use Cases

  • UX research and decision-making
  • Gathering rich insights from user interviews
  • Improving product development and user experience
  • Scaling user research in organizations

    Validly Traffic

    Monthly Visits: < 5K
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    Feb 2023 - Mar 2024 All Traffic
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    Feb 2023 - Mar 2024 Desktop Only
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    Validly Categories: Research Tool