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Detail Q&A

What is Detail: Video & Captions?

From recording to a fully edited video in one tap

How to use Detail: Video & Captions?

Download the Detail: Video & Captions app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Record your video with the AI-enhanced camera and utilize the teleprompter for confident delivery. Edit and enhance your clips using the intuitive interface. Customize captions and apply cinematic effects to create professional-looking videos.

Can I use Detail on multiple devices?

Yes, Detail can be used on multiple iPhones or iPads for a dynamic multi-angle recording setup.

Detail: Video & Captions's Core Features

  • AI-enhanced camera
  • Teleprompter integration
  • Seamless editing
  • Green screen feature
  • Dual-view recording
  • Efficient script delivery
  • Intelligent captions
  • Instant cinematic effects

    Detail: Video & Captions's Use Cases

  • Recording interviews or video podcasts
  • Creating TikTok videos or Instagram Reels
  • Producing instructional content for YouTube
  • Crafting reaction videos

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    Detail Categories: AI Podcast Assistant